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Frequently Asked Questions About Orthodontic Braces

  • Braces
Ceramic Braces

What are braces used for?
Braces are used to correct misaligned teeth and jaws, improve bite and smile.


How long does it take to wear braces?
It usually takes 1 to 2 years, depending on the severity of the issue.


Is it painful to get braces?
Getting braces may cause some discomfort, but it is usually mild and temporary.


Can braces be removed before the treatment is complete?
Yes, but it is not recommended as it can result in the teeth moving back to their original position.


Can I eat normally with braces?
You can eat most foods with braces, but hard, sticky, and sugary foods should be avoided.


How often do I need to visit the orthodontist while wearing braces?
Typically, orthodontic appointments are scheduled every 4 to 8 weeks.


Can braces fix overbite or underbite?
Yes, both overbite and underbite can be corrected with braces.


How much do braces cost?
The cost of braces can vary widely depending on the type of braces and the length of treatment.


Do I need to remove my braces for cleaning?
No, braces do not need to be removed for cleaning. You can brush and floss normally with braces.


Can adults get braces?
Yes, braces are suitable for people of all ages, including adults.


Are there any alternatives to traditional braces?
Yes, there are alternatives such as clear aligners, lingual braces, and self-ligating braces.


How do I take care of my braces and teeth while undergoing treatment?
Good oral hygiene is important while undergoing braces treatment, including brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist.


Will I need to wear a retainer after removing my braces?
Yes, wearing a retainer after removing braces is necessary to keep the teeth in their new position.


Can I play sports with braces?
Yes, you can play sports with braces, but it is recommended to wear a mouthguard to protect the braces and teeth.


How do I know if I need braces?
If you have problems with bite, speech, or chewing, or if you have misaligned or crowded teeth, you may need braces. Consult an orthodontist for a proper evaluation.


Can braces affect speech?
Braces may temporarily affect speech, but it usually improves within a few days to a week.


How often do the braces need to be tightened?
The frequency of tightening varies, but it is usually every 4 to 8 weeks.


Can I wear braces if I have dental fillings or other dental work?
Yes, you can still wear braces if you have fillings or other dental work, but it may require additional attention and adjustments.

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